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What are the kinds of stress? Stress serves us well in situations when our senses kick into alert to respond with quick reaction such as in situations where danger can pose threat to the safety of a person or the security of a loved one. What are the kinds of stress? Stress can in fact give us the ability to take calculated measures to preserve our existence and peace of mind. In this article, you’ll learn what are the kinds of stress?

What Are the Kinds of Stress: The Climb

An experienced mountain climber, on a challenging climb, can make use of the stress hormones released to work toward their favor. What are the kinds of stress? The stress brought about the excitement or anxiety of new trails as they climb gives them the ability to employ skills that will keep them safe as they ascend the mountain. They are prepared and have a general idea of what to expect during the trek and are experienced enough to understand that there things to watch out for throughout the expedition.

Stress Hormones

On the other hand, an inexperienced individual, if they we to be challenged go up the same mountain by way of the same trek as the experienced ones, the latter will display a more alarming spike in the release of stress hormones. Increased levels of stress hormones released could not only affect the physical balance (labored breathing, constricted muscles, strained bowels) could disorient the novice “hiker” leading them to make uncalculated deductions that could be detrimental to their survival.

Stress can be categorized in groups and we shall talk about these categories separately as we provide some examples which may help lead the reader to understanding the gravity of each sort of stress as well as some situations which may trigger stress. 

Chronic Stress

Chronic Stress can be detrimental to the health of an individual. It contributes to a host of grave illnesses that are chronic, severe or life-threatening. This is experienced by an individual or individuals for a lasting period of time which develops to the more severe kind of stress.

This is the kinds of stress experienced which is constant. Some examples could be helplessness through poverty. The inability to provide for the family is one very stressful situation indeed and can cause all sorts of dysfunction to the patient which could cause them to suffer from stress.

Familial Problems

Another reason for chronic stress is the presence of numerous problems within the family. Coming from a dysfunctional family makes people step up in ways that sets off their fight or flight instincts and if not managed in a way that is effective for the individual, can develop all sorts of bad situation responses by the patient suffering stress in this environment.

Other Stress Sources

It is not unusual to hear about family members of all ages showing symptoms of stress because of the unconventionally challenging lifestyles each of the family member lives on a daily basis. Couples suffering marital problems are candidates for stress. During stages of marital discord, couples have been found to have different reactions and had varied measures of stress levels in response to the same demand.

Being unhappy in one’s job, whether it is a bad paying one or employment that goes against your beliefs or morals, is another source of mental anguish that is caused by and exacerbated by stress.  Heart and lung diseases as well as some cancers are attributed to long term stress.

Episodic Acute Stress

Individuals who have episodic acute stress are people who seem to be in constant crisis mode. They are individuals who express strong reactions to what they would perceive as a negative situation and respond in an equally negative manner. They are the ones who are irritable at the slightest provocation, short-tempered and typically on the edge. They are the ones who worry about things that are possible and imagined. They usually have a bleak outlook about things and feel helpless. The problem with those with episodic acute stress is that this is usually because they have come to accept a sort of defeat about stress being a part of life.

Acute Stress

Acute stress is another kinds of stress that is not as bad as it sounds. Acute stress is basically the common responses of our bodies and minds to a demanding situation. It can be as unusual and accidental like a near miss, road incident. It can also be a response to the defense mechanisms of the body when in an argument with family member. It can be the physical and mental reactions your body reacts to on the micro level when undergoing some sort of employment pressure.


Severe cases of acute stress can stem from traumatic experiences, like if a person becomes a victim of sexual abuse a violent crime or traumatic experience. People, who develop acute stress suddenly because of a sudden and very unpleasant experience, can lead for the person to suffer mental health issues, like depression and PTSD. On a more positive note, isolated episodes of stress allow for the body and brain to learn from the situation, making the individual better able to make better future decisions.

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