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Stress is a pain for all of us; it is a seemingly innate part of our lives we all are forced to experience, one way or another. Just as with most people, you may also believe that certain types of stress relief techniques do not work for you; but for others, it works like a charm. Often the techniques that do not work for a particular person are ineffective for one of two reasons: either they are a poor match for the person’s personality; or for the stress situation. 

Thus, experiencing stress and matching it with the right stress-relieving techniques is the key to overcoming it. Matching the two will empower individuals to overcome the stressful situation there and experience wellness. Keep on reading to be educated about the match of different types of stress and their corresponding effective stress-relief techniques.

Acute Stress

Acute stress is the stress that throws you off balance, for a moment in time. This comes on quickly; oftentimes unexpectedly, and does not last long; but shakes you up a bit and needs a response. This may be an argument with someone or an exam you feel you aren’t adequately prepared for. To combat and win over this, use: 

  • Breathing exercises: Works well with acute stress as the response of it works quickly 
  • Cognitive reframing: Helps you learn to change the way you look at the situation and thus manage your stress levels
  • Mini meditation: Helps in calming down at the moment 
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Like breathing exercises, this will give you a moment to relax and think more critically

Chronic Stress 

It is a type of stress that occurs regularly in a person. It is the one that may leave one feeling drained and can lead to burnout if it’s not effectively handled. Not only that, but it is important to know that when the stress response is chronically triggered; and the body is not brought back to a relaxed state before the next wave of stress bombardment. The body can stay triggered, for an indefinite amount of time. 

Now, it is unfortunate enough to host a lot of health issues, including cardiovascular disease; gastrointestinal challenges, anxiety, depression; amongst many other varieties of other conditions. This is why it is really indispensable to effectively manage them. 

Managing Chronic Stress requires a combination approach. Short stress relievers, like those before for acute stress, and some long-term stress habits that aid overall stress. Different emotion-focused coping techniques, as well as solution-focused coping techniques, are also vital for chronic stresses. 

The list below is the following long term habits that aid in better management of chronic stressors occurring regularly: 

  • Fostering supportive relationships: Having a solid support system is a very helpful coping mechanism 
  • Regular exercise: Exercise relieve stress, allows you to be happier; be productive and think generally holistic as it gives off clear mind pathway 
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: Fueling your body well aids in helping you maintain overall stress levels because your entire system is capable of functioning better. 
  • Meditating regularly. Quick meditation is great when you are dealing with acute stress; and as you build up and make it regular and with longer intervals, it will help you in building your overall resilience to stress. 

Emotional Stress 

Emotional stress can hit you harder than any type of stress. For instance; the stress that is rooted in a conflicted relation tends to bring a greater physical reaction; and a stronger sense of distress than the stress that comes from being filled at work.

Thus, it is necessary to be capable of managing emotional stress in effective ways. Strategies that encourage you to process, diffuse; and build resilience toward emotional stress can all help you thrive and different approaches can work in different situations so you would not feel as though you are at war with your emotions.

Here are some powerful ways you can manage emotional stress 

  • Music: Music can help us in relaxing our mind and body. 
  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness aids in keeping us rooted in the present moment. 
  • Talking with someone you trust: A great venting session with a friend can help you release whatever emotion you are keeping to yourself; it can help you to look at a situation in a different light; thus comforting you and aiding in reliving your emotional stress. 
  • Going to therapy: A therapist can help you in identifying the source of your emotional stress; as well as can aid in giving you strategies and techniques which may help you best in dealing with your mental issues. 
  • Journaling: Journaling reduces emotional stress as it serves as an escape or emotional release of our negative thoughts and feelings. It has a massive impact, especially on those individuals struggling with worry and self-doubt. It greatly eases anxiety, lessens feelings of distress as well as improves overall well-being. 


Burnout is the result of prolonged chronic stress of situations that can, unfortunately, leave people feeling of lack of control in their lives. There are certain conditions of a job that can make someone highly vulnerable to these types of stress. high levels of demands, unclear expectations in work, lack of recognition for achievements, and a high level of risk of negative consequences when there have been mistakes committed. 

Experiencing burnout can be the worst experience you can have because it makes maintaining motivation to work and complete what you need to accomplish chronically overwhelming. However, there are techniques you can always rely on, such as: 

  • Make your current job work for you, enjoy it: If you set down in a job you don’t love, all is not lost. Learn how to maneuver your job in a way that will become more fulfilling.
  • Do not neglect your hobbies, pursue your passions: Don’t wait until your life calms down to pursue your hobbies.
  • Make your weekends count: Learn how to bring some of your weekends into your workweek for less stress.
  • Maintain a sense of humor: Use laughter to bring joyfulness into your day and increase your overall health.
  • Recharge by taking some time off: A little time departed from the stresses of day-to-day life can leave you feeling refreshed and better equipped to manage stress.


Dealing with stress is not by all means easy; it is extremely hard and painful both physically and mentally. However, there are always a get out of our problems and stressors, thus, cling on to it. Abide on our stress relief techniques!  We all know the saying that yes, it is not easy, but it sure is worth it.

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