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Iron deficiency is caused by a lack of iron in the body, but there are different underlying reasons why you might have a deficient iron level. Some of the reasons why you might have low iron levels include:

Inadequate Diet

If you are not eating enough meals with iron, it can result in iron deficiency anemia. Foods like meat, eggs, and green vegetables are rich in the iron content that your body needs.

The exclusion of most of these foods in a vegetarian’s diet is why they suffer from iron deficiency more than others. However, there are vegetables that a vegetarian can take to maintain the iron balance.

Don’t go on a diet without ensuring all the nutrients your body needs are provided. As a man between 19 and 50, you need at least 8 milligrams of iron daily. Women from 50 years and younger need at least 18 milligrams daily. Pregnant women need as much as 27 mg of iron. You can consult a nutritionist if you’re not sure your diet has adequate iron.

Internal Blood Loss

Some medical conditions cause internal bleeding and this loss of blood results in a drop in iron levels. These conditions include colon cancer, stomach ulcer, hernia, colon polyps, and uterine fibroids. Regular use of some pain relievers like aspirin can cause stomach bleeding, which leads to iron deficiency.


Pregnant women need more oxygen for the baby. There is also an increased blood volume which demands more iron. If the pregnant woman’s diet is not adjusted accordingly, it can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.

Heavy Menstruation

People with heavy menstruation often lose a lot of blood, resulting in iron deficiency. The blood loss could also be a result of endometriosis. Some people don’t know that they even have it. You can resolve this iron deficiency by treating the underlying causes using birth control pills or devices.

Slow Absorption of Iron

Due to conditions like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis, your body might find it hard to absorb iron from your small intestine meals. In this case, it is not a matter of taking enough iron but the inability of your body to absorb it. Surgeries like a gastric bypass can also demand the removal of parts of the intestine, making it harder for your body to absorb iron.

Genetic conditions and injuries which cause a lot of blood loss can also lead to iron deficiency in the body. If you have any of these causes, you might want to check for symptoms of iron deficiency.

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