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What are everyday pressures? It can be said that wanting to be the most popular, the handsomest, or the most beautiful is a difficult standard to meet because there will always be those who are better off, better looking, more talented, etc., than us. Perhaps when the world was younger in our mindset, when competition was not as big, it would have been easy to set such goals. What are everyday pressures? When we are “pitted” against billions of people in the planet setting those lofty goals is a recipe for discouragement and upset. What are everyday pressures? The pressures of society and modern life, along with the demands of responsibilities, career, and work can be considered as sources of tension undergone by people who face extraordinary situations, constraints, demands or opportunities. In this article, you’ll learn what are everyday pressures.

What Are Everyday Pressures: Physical Factors

Some of these everyday pressures can lead to emotional imbalance which is collectively referred to as stress. What are everyday pressures? Stress, doesn’t always present itself as unpleasant. Take for example a willing, expectant, first time skydiver who would feel anxious about an upcoming jump as opposed to one who has no inclination to do it. They may both experience the same physical effects of the factors that release the stress hormones but both of them are assessing the situation using their own individual conclusions about how they are and will be handling the situation.

Moving On

Adapting, the second stage after the recognition and assessment of a situation, is the bodily reaction wherein the intricate interaction of inner, physical and mental, systems could result in consequential effects to the person experiencing the demanding situation. They begin to feel stressed out and if this period lasts longer than a spell it could equate to more serious ailments.

What are everyday pressures? Since the stress affects us all differently, what may be a stressful situation for one may not bother the next person. There is no real bar to measure stress triggers which would apply to all because we are all made up differently and respond to stress factors in varied ways. There is no bar to set in terms of what would be considered stress for all. However, there are generalizations that can be made.

Some of the most common situations of today’s modern times bring about different forms of stress that can come from a variety of situations, emotions and events. With the ever growing pressures demanded of us by society, it is no wonder that more and more people are feeling on edge.

Physical Effects

What are everyday pressures? The physical effects of stress are undoubtedly a challenge people experience when under pressure.Keep in mind that stress isn’t always a bad thing. If not for the chemical reactions in our bodies that would constitute a person to be considered under stress, human beings wouldn’t have survived being a prehistoric animal’s dinner. An advantage of stress is that it allows us to respond accordingly to a situation presented to us.

Don’t Prolong Stress!

The problem starts when the stress experienced by an individual is prolonged. The effects of prolonged stress is not as simple as taking your mind off things. In the long run the effects against a person’s health become more apparent and pronounced. These “minor” health issues could certainly escalate to more serious ailment.

An equally alarming side effect of stress is the mental anguish it can bring about, if not kept in check. The problem is, most people who are under prolonged stress will, by way of surviving the stress, adapt to the situation which ultimately becomes the “norm” for the person. It is very important that we unlearn how we operate under stress and learn to ask ourselves relevant questions about what is bringing about the stressors.

Some Stress Stats

Living in a society that is ever expanding coupled with the growing demands of personal life and society, women and men report having the same amount of stress levels. However, it is women who are likelier to report that their stress levels are on the rise with almost 50% of them reporting to have increased stress over the span of half a decade.

Upon closer inspection, it is women who report more instances of their stress manifesting in physical and mental manners as opposed to men, although women are a lot better at making and maintaining important connections and relationships to manage their stress. There is also a reported difference of stressors between married women and single ladies.

Males vs. Females

There are reportedly more women, pegged at 79%, than men, who are quick to point out that finances is one of the factors of their stress. 68% of these women report that economy is another factor that increases their stress levels.

76% of the male population surveyed, on the other hand, report work to be a source of stress, with 65% of females reporting the same. 41% of the women expressed showing more physical and mental symptoms than men. 44% of the women report to go through crying bouts with another 32% who report stomach pains or indigestion.

Women are also more likely to be kept up at night because of their worries and stress. This is made evident by the 33% of women who report to succeed in getting enough sleep. 35% talk about the success they have in managing their stress. Although 75% of the women recognize the importance of getting the proper amount of sleep, only 33% report success with their efforts in successfully managing the proper amount of sleep they should have.

64% women believe it is important to have a balanced diet, but only 36% of them report success in eating smarter and healthier. When it comes to physical activity and exercise to manage stress, 54% recognize this importance to curb or manage stress, but only 29% reported success in their quest for smart physical activity and exercise.

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