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Academic stress is present at all times, at high rates for students, from elementary school through college. It can affect anyone. From curriculum-based pressure such as studying for numerous exams; completion of homework, to crafting reports, to overwhelmed feeling and burnout because of jump-packed schedules; as well as diverse and often unmet learning necessities, students are seemingly unwell. Learners are bucking, under the weight of high academic expectations, fueled unfortunately with a very fast-paced lifestyle. 

If you are a student feeling academic pressure, or if you are the parent, guardian; or a good friend of a student showing signs of academic stress, you’ll learn 10 tips that will ease the burden of academic stress. These tips taken will increase school/life balance and guarantee to increase holistic well-being, more importantly, psychological well-being; significantly decreasing the overall occurrence of academic stress. 

Have realistic to-do lists 

To-do lists can make a seemingly insurmountable pile of students’ requirements and obligations bearable. This is because it aids in prioritizing and laying out what exactly needs to be done. 

As a student, you can outline the set of tasks that you have to complete; paying attention to the workload and setting a realistic time for their fulfillment. You can also visualize what you have to do and how you want it to look in life. All of these combined ensure that you will be daunted by your homework. 

Time management is your best friend 

Plan out your day, and remind yourself that you can always do only so much in a day; the day is finite, so make sure your schedule is attainable. With a clear view of your schedule, you will feel that you are more in control; which will make you accountable and make you approach your task calmly and confidently. 

Create a Rewards system 

Giving yourself incentives, credits, recognition to complete daunting academic responsibilities can help you when the going gets rough. Set up a system of rewards, preferably a list of things that genuinely make you happy and soothes you; it may be a bar of chocolate if you submitted an output; or a break of 2 episodes of your favorite tv show; have something you will look forward to at the end with a smile. The little boosts of endorphins found in rewards will give you encouragement to keep on thriving academically. 

Ask for help, seriously 

When you find yourself stressing and worrying about a seemingly impossible problem; do not hesitate to text a friend or email a teacher. They are likely to aid your knowledge gap. Wasted time will slow you down; and you will be emotionally drained and the next thing you do, you are stressed over procrastination. Don’t do that, seek help. 

Breaks, breaks, breaks

Mindfulness is an immense help that soothes those who are experiencing overwhelm and academic stress. Finding a way to calm yourself physically shows improvement in relieving mental stress simultaneously. Thus, when you are on a task, and you find yourself working too long, take a break and go online to find simple breathing exercises. 

Whenever you find yourself worrying, put your pet and paper down for a moment to catch a breath. Close your eyes while breathing in through your nose and out your mouth. Moments like these are vital for recharging both our physical and mental realms. 

Eat healthily 

Putting the right foods in your body correlates to the great and right energy, and thereby gives you the stamina you need to effectively get the work done. Foods with high fat and sugar make students feel sluggish and unmotivated, sleepy enough to not bother completing tasks. Thus, as a student trying to maintain their sanity, focus on fruits, veggies, and other high-fiber foods that ensure sustained energy, and combine your protein with carbohydrates to avoid a crash. 

Get more restful sleep

Obviously, you would not be able to focus or work on your best without securing a good night’s sleep. While we emphasize that sometimes sleep is the first thing to go when school work is piled high, there are a few pieces of advice you can learn to make the most of these precious hours of slumber. 

  • Do not work on your bed, it lends to an association between your bed and working space which will make it harder for you to, yes, fall asleep. 
  • Exposure to the screen before bed has been proven to decrease the quality of sleep, distress, and reading a book, just 30 minutes before sleeping. 
  • If you find yourself worrying while you are trying to snooze, clench each muscle on your docy one by one, until it reaches your feet then slowly release. This relief will make your body de-stressed and calmed, and will aid in making you fall asleep faster. 


Experts say that everyone needs at least half an hour of exercise each day. Not only do physical activities help you with restful sleep, but it also boosts endorphins that make us happier and less anxious. More importantly, energy spent exercising, is energy compounding in studying. Yup, it is also a wonderful key to feeling productive and at best, that will equip you to conquer your academic dilemmas. 

Set aside a day in a week to relax 

Just like a good night of sleep, you need a day of fun to recharge from the week spent on school. Set aside time to spend Friday, or Saturday with yourself, your friends, or your family. In These moments, do not focus on anything that relates to school, genuinely focus on creating memories that make you feel happy, relaxed, and stressed-free. 

It can be tempting to work all the time especially if the academic stress is at a peak, but, trust us, you will work more efficiently and effectively with breaks for resting and socializing, as opposed to burning yourself down. 

Keep in Mind

Lastly, you cannot be your best all the time, but you can try your best all the time. Academic stress is not an appealing state to be in that is why advocating for a healthy relationship with education is really vital. We hope you have nothing but wellness and all successions in whatever areas of life you want to pursue. 

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