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How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes once referred to as adult-onset diabetes; or non-insulin dependent diabetes is a chronic condition that affects your body’s ability to break down sugar (glucose); which is the most important source of fuel for your body. The condition causes your body to resist the effects of insulin; the hormone that enhances movement of sugar into your cells. How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? It can also hinder the production of sufficient insulin in your body, leading to an imbalance in glucose levels. While type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in adults, it is now affecting children; especially with the increasing child obesity cases. There is no known cure, but you can control the symptoms by eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising. In this article, you’ll learn how to help reverse type 2 diabetes?

Reversal Tips

Tip #1

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? If you frequently need to urinate, you may be suffering from diabetes. Your kidneys are very active; and strive to eliminate all the extra glucose in your blood, thus the frequent urge to relieve yourself. The excessive thirst is an indication that your body is trying to regain the lost fluids. These two symptoms appear simultaneously and are two of the ways your body tries to manage high blood sugar.

Tip #2

Ridiculously high levels of blood sugar can also lead to rapid weight loss. This could be approximately 10-20 pounds over a period of 2 to 3 months, but not in a healthy way. Since the insulin hormone is not doing its work of moving glucose into your cells to be used as energy; your body thinks it is starving and triggers the breakdown of protein from your muscles as a secondary source of fuel. Moreover, the kidneys are also in full gear in a bid to get rid of excess sugar; leading to a loss of calories. Since both of these processes require a lot of energy, you end up creating a calorie deficit.

Tip #3

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? Extreme hunger pangs are another symptom of diabetes that occurs; as a result of sharp peaks of highs and lows in your blood sugar levels. Your body naturally assumes it has not been fed once your blood sugar levels plummet; which makes it crave for the glucose necessary for the cells to function.

Tip #4

You may also experience itchy skin, perhaps due to poor circulation or dry skin. Acanthosis Nigricans is a skin condition associated with type 2 diabetes. It is a condition characterized by the darkening of the skin, around the armpit or neck area. If you have this condition, you may also have insulin resistance, even though your blood sugar might not be high.

Tip #5

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? Experts consider diabetes an immune-suppressed state; which simply means heightened vulnerability to a variety of infections, the most common of them being yeast and other fungal infections. Both fungi and bacteria thrive in sugar-rich surroundings. Women, in particular, should keep an eye for vaginal candida infections.

Tip #6

Persistent cuts, bruises, and infections are a classic sign of diabetes. This is normally due to the excess glucose moving through the veins and arteries, ultimately damaging your blood vessels. This makes it difficult for blood to reach different parts of your body to facilitate healing.

Tip #7

Seeing occasional flashes of light, floaters or having distorted vision are often directly linked to high levels of blood sugar. Blurry vision is caused by a refraction problem. High blood sugar levels tend to change the shape of the eye and lens. Fortunately, you can reverse this symptom once you get your blood sugar levels back to normal or near normal. On the other hand, neglecting to check your blood sugar levels for a long time will lead the glucose to cause permanent damage; perhaps even blindness and that is irreversible.

Tip #8

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? People who have high blood sugar levels for a long time tend to get used to persistently not feeling well. This causes them to constantly visit their doctor. Getting up several times to go to the bathroom during the night is enough to make anyone weary; as well as the additional effort your body expends to recompense for its glucose deficiency. Irritability breeds from tiredness. It is not uncommon for people whose blood sugar levels have been really high to acknowledge; that they didn’t realize how bad they felt as soon as their blood sugar levels are brought down. 

Tip #9

Should you experience tingling or numbness in your hands and feet; followed by swelling or burning pain, this is a possible sign that your nerves are being attacked by diabetes. If the symptoms are recent, you may be able to reverse it. However, just like with vision, if you allow your blood sugar levels to be high for too long; neuropathy will be permanent.

Tip #10

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? You can also check for diabetes using several tests; but a single test result is not enough to diagnose the condition. The fasting plasma glucose test is one such test; which involves checking your blood sugar levels after 8 hours or a night of not eating. If two of these tests show that your blood glucose is above 126 mg/dL, it means you have diabetes. 99 mg/dL is the normal cutoff, while 100 to 125 mg/dL blood glucose is considered pre-diabetes. The best way to go about that is to check your blood sugar levels to ensure that they are in check.

Herbal Remedies that Could Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Silk Cotton

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? It is commonly called Kapok tree, silk cotton tree, sumauma or kankantri. It is very large majestic tree, with a conspicuously buttressed trunk. The kapok tree grows more than 200 ft. tall; with widely spreading branches. The silk cotton tree is cultivated for kapok. Oil from the seeds is used in edible products and the ground seeds in animal feed. Ceiba pentandra has hypoglycemic effect and its bark has been used as a diuretic, aphrodisiac, and to treat headache, as well as type II diabetes. The results of experimental animal study indicated that Ceiba pentandra possesses antidiabetic activity; and thus is capable of ameliorating hyperglycemia in streptozotocin-induced type-2 diabetic rats and is a potential source for isolation of new orally active agent for anti-diabetic therapy.

Holy Basil

It is commonly called as Holy Basil, or Tulasi. Holy Basil is a tropical, much branched, annual herb, upto 18 inches tall, it grows into a low bush. Along with its religious significance, it also has substantial medicinal meaning and is used in Ayurvedic treatment. It may have a positive effect on fasting blood sugar and on blood sugar following meals. The plant plays a role in the management of immunological disorders such as allergies and asthma. The juice of the leaves is used against diabetes and fever. It’s anti-spasmodic properties, relieves abdominal pains and helps in lowering the blood sugar level.

Indian Gooseberry

It has common names such as Java plum, jamun, jaman, black plum. The Jamun is an evergreen tropical tree 50 to 100 ft. tall, with fragrant white flowers and purplish-black oval edible berries. The juicy fruit-pulp contains resin, gallic acid and tannin. It has hypoglycemic and antioxidant properties. All parts of the java plum can be used medicinally and it has a long tradition in alternative medicine. The bark has anti-inflammatory activity and is used In India for anemia, the bark and seed for diabetes which reduce the blood sugar level quickly.

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? In laboratory experiments, the oral administration of the extract of jamun pulp increases serum insulin levels. These extracts also inhibited insulinase activity from liver and kidney. Studies on gastric mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion exhibited antidiabetic and antiulcer effects of extract of Eugenia jambolana seed in mild diabetic rats.


It is commonly called as Child pick-a-back, gulf leafflower, shatterstone, bahupatra or gale of wind. Shatterstone is a common annual weed from the genus Phyllanthus that contains more than 700 species. The plant grows up to 1½ ft. tall and has small yellow flowers. The leaf and seed aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus have been shown to improves insulin resistance diabetes in experimental animal studies while a single study on aqueous extract of Phyllanthus amarus has demonstrated no effect on blood glucose in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients.

The extract of Phyllanthus niruri lowered blood glucose, suppressed postprandial rise in blood glucose following a glucose meal, reduced hemoglobin glycation and increased absolute and relative weights as well as glycogen content of liver in diabetic rats. They are anti-hepatotoxic, antibacterial and hypoglycemic. Other applications are against inflammation of the appendix and for prostate problems. An interesting aspect is the use of this plant for weight loss.


How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? It is commonly known as Saptrangi or Ponkoranti. It is a woody plant found in the forests of Srilanka and India. The roots and stems of Salacia oblonga for diabetes treatment have been used extensively in Ayurveda and traditional Indian Medicine for the treatment for diabetes. It as an effective anti-diabetic and weight control agent. Our body naturally has alpha-glucosidase enzyme which break downs oligosaccharides into monosaccharides like glucose.

The extract from S. oblonga binds to this enzyme and inhibits it. Because of this inhibition, glucose is not released into the blood stream. In a doubleblind Placebo-controlled, randomized trial, it was demonstrated that Salacia reticulata improves serum lipid profiles and glycemic control in patients with prediabetes and mild to moderate hyperlipidemia. This herbal medicine for diabetes treatment is well proved and is very successful in giving a solution for the same.

Ivy Gourd

It is known by several names; Calabacita, Calabaza Hiedra, Courge Écarlate, Kovai, Little Gourd, Tela Kucha, baby watermelon, little gourd, gentleman’s toes or Tindola. Ivy gourd is a tropical plant used as vegetable and grown wildly throughout the Indian sub-continent. This plant has been used in traditional medicine as a household remedy for various diseases. Ivy gourd can help regulate blood sugar levels and, in turn, prevent or treat diabetes. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, expectorants, analgesic are the reported pharmacological activities of ivy gourd.

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? Extracts of the ivy gourd’s roots, fruit, and leaves are said to offer a range of health benefits. People take ivy gourd for diabetes, gonorrhoea, and constipation. Its fruits have also been used to treat leprosy, fever, asthma, bronchitis and jaundice.

Aloe Vera 

How to help reverse type 2 diabetes? Aloe, a popular houseplant, has a long history as a multipurpose folk remedy. The plant can be separated into two basic products: dried juice from the leaf and aloe gel. Latex from per cyclic cells obtained beneath the skin of leaves may be evaporated to form a sticky substance known as “drug aloes” or “aloe”.

This aloe juice contains the cathartic anthraquinone, barbaloin, a glucoside of aloe-emodin, as well as other substances. Aloe gel is obtained from the inner portion of the leaves. It does not contain anthraquinones but does contain a polysaccharide, glucomannan, which is similar to guar gum. Aloe gel is used topically, but it has also been used orally for diabetes. Although Aloe vera gel is better known as a home remedy for minor burns and other skin conditions, recent animal studies suggest that Aloe vera gel may help people with diabetes. A Japanese study evaluated the effect of Aloe vera gel on blood sugar. Researchers isolated a number of active phytosterol compounds from the gel that were found to reduce blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin levels.

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