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What are the symptoms of Asthma? Not all people with asthma have the same symptoms; however, the most common symptoms include shortness of breath, tightening of chest “tightness,” and wheezing. What are the symptoms of Asthma? It also includescough lasting more than a week, or that happens during the night or after exercise, chronic cough (sometimes coughing is the only symptom you will have). When you have a cold, it lasts for more than 10 days, and goes into your chest. In this article, you’ll learn what are the symptoms of Asthma?

What are the symptoms of Asthma: Warning Signs

What are the symptoms of Asthma? Before a person experiences an attack or an asthma episode, there will usually be early warnings signs but of course these warning signs differ from one patient to another.

Some signs could be mild, subtle and may not seem related to asthma. These warning signs usually happen at least 1 to 2 days before an asthma attack occurs, this is enough time to be aware and prepare for what’s to come so that it can be treated early.

Don’t Take it for Granted

What are the symptoms of Asthma? You shouldn’t take these warning signs for granted because even if they seem subtle they could give you a heads up on what to do. You and your physician will need to discuss on what to do in case you experience these warning signs especially if you can’t tell when your asthma is starting. You’ll probably be suggested to use a peak flow meter because it can determine if your asthma is getting worse or not. The peak flow meter is also practical to use because it can tell how fast you can blow; if the measurement drop that means you can have asthma attack any time.

Watch Out for These Warning Signs

What are the symptoms of Asthma? It’s best if you jot down any warning sign or any feeling you may have before having an asthma attack. Some early warning signs that you need to be mindful of so that you can prevent an upcoming asthma attack include itchy chin and scratchy throat, sore throat, occasional or continuous coughing (especially at night), congested or runny nose, fatigue, dark circles in the eyes, yellow zone reading in the peak flow meter, changes in mood, feeling of thirstiness, watery or itchy eyes, itchy nose, frequent sneezing, head ache or tummy ache (especially in kids), flu, pale face, restlessness and eczema flare up.

What are the symptoms of Asthma? If you are experiencing the following danger signs, it means that an asthma attack is occurring. Make sure to ask for help or call medical professional immediately. This can include unstoppable coughing, wheezing, problem in exhaling, feeling of tightness in the chest or the chest hurts, rapid breathing, bluish, graying lips, having trouble in walking, having trouble in speaking, rapid pulse and heartbeat, red zone reading in the peak flow meter, flaring nostrils, the quick – relief meds are not working anymore.

What are the symptoms of Asthma: How to Detect It

Pulmonary Function Tests

One way of diagnosing asthma is through a pulmonary function tests (PFTs). These are breathing tests done at a hospital or clinic. The PFTs are administered by pulmonary function technologists and it aims to diagnose the severity of a patient’s asthma.

Pulmonary function tests are being done around the world which means that every test conducted follows certain global standards. Physicians also follow guidelines to ensure that there’s a standard interpretation of the results.

These are some instructions you’ll encounter once you undergo different pulmonary function tests. It’s best to be familiar with these guidelines so that you’ll know how the process works. Make sure to wear clothes that won’t restrict your breathing ability. Before going through the tests, avoid eating large meals because it can affect your breathing. You need to be comfortable especially when doing complete and deep breathings; obviously you won’t be able to do that if you have a full stomach.

Your physician may not allow you to use your inhalers or intake other medicines. You need to check with the pulmonary technologists or ask your doctor about the specific instructions you need to follow prior to the PFTs. During the tests, your technologist will give you instructions. Make sure to listen and understand it so that your results will be as accurate as possible. If you aren’t sure about what to do, don’t hesitate to ask the technician before conducting the test.

Forced Vital Capacity

This is one of the most common tests used to diagnose asthmatic conditions. It will help you and your physician on how to treat your asthma and how to improve the treatment as you go along. It also serves as a starting point for patients that are currently experiencing prior asthmatic symptoms. It is usually done for diagnosis, during treatment and for maintenance or continuous care.

Spirometry measures many different volumes (how much) and flow rates (how fast the air moves). Some of the more common measurements done by spirometry include a test called forced vital capacity. The spirometry measures your breathing specifically your Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). The FVC is the measurement of the exhaled air from full inspiration to full or empty expiration. You’ll be instructed to deeply inhale as much as you can and then exhale as quickly and forceful as possible until can’t blow any longer. It will then record the flow volume curve and help your doctor diagnose your condition further. We hope you learned a lot about what are the symptoms of Asthma? Stay tune for more posts!

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