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Sinusitis surgery or sinus infection seems to be a part of many lives but when you see the numbers you will be shocked! Almost 31 million people in America alone suffer from sinusitis surgery so one can imagine what the numbers will be world-wide. In certain cases when these medications don’t seem to alleviate the sinus infection the doctors; or more specifically otolaryngologists advise for proper diagnosis procedure followed up with treatment methods. If you are having repetitive episodes of acute sinusitis conditions then you definitely need to know about these methods.

The diagnosis usually starts with examination of the sinus openings by sending a long; and thin tube having a light and camera at its tip through your nose. Though not very painful, for you to be comfortable an anesthetic nasal spray can be applied. The other way is to analyze the mucus samples which helps understand whether the causal agent is virus, bacteria or fungus. A CT scan can help understand the extent of the problem; and a consultation with a specialist in immunology and allergy can help understand to what extent factors such as allergy, anatomical deviations or immune system influence your prevailing condition. Based on the diagnosis results of some or all of the above, as the case may be;

What are Sinusitis complications?

Though many people suffer from sinus infections things can take a bad turn leading to complication when the condition worsens. Breathlessness can cause asthma patients to suddenly get asthma attacks. In chronic cases the infection spreads to the eye socket, causing blurring of vision and in worst cases blindness too. Another highly complicated condition is when the infection spreads; to the fluid as well as membranes lining the areas around the brain and spine. This causes meningitis. Some cases blood circulation through the veins surrounding the sinuses is restricted; and forms blood clots that eventually stop supply to the brain. This essentially means that the patient is at a high risk of getting a stroke that can be life-threatening.

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