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POTS or Postural tachycardia syndrome is a condition that affects many. Although the condition is non-life threatening; it can cause significant impact on the day to day life of those who are affected by it. When you stand up after being in a seated position; the common symptoms associated with POTS is a dizzying spell or sweating.

Classification for POTS

There are several classifications for POTS or Postural tachycardia syndrome. Identifying these different classifications will enable you to address the problem and find ways to cope with the condition. It also enables you to monitor the extent of the problem; so as not to cause serious risks to your health condition.

First Type

Patients who suffer from a PD classification of POTS exhibit the inability of the vascular veins; to provide adequate resistance to the gravitational pull. This means that there is a higher degree of blood pooling to the lower extremities when standing up. Due to the fact that the blood is concentrated on the lower extremities such as the leg; it compels the nervous system to compensate for it by increasing the contractions of the heart. Even the initial increase in pumping of blood is for compensatory reason; there will come a point wherein the pool of blood exceeds the compensatory requirement. According to experts, the female to male ratio for the probability of suffering from this type of POTS is 5:1.

Second Type

The second classification of POTS, which is less frequent than PD, is called hyperadrenergic form. Unlike the first one wherein the effect of the heart rate increase is almost instantaneous, this one is more gradual. Those who are suffering from this condition complain about presence of various symptoms like cold sweat; feeling of anxiety and tremor. In addition, more than half of those diagnosed with hyperadrenergic POTS complain of migraine headaches too. Some studies have shown that this type of condition could have a family history factor into it.

In addition to the two major classification of POTS above, health experts have also coined the term secondary POTS. Those who are diagnosed with this condition exhibit a wide range of symptoms such as vascular unresponsiveness or peripheral denervation. But this could also come as an effect of undergoing chemotherapy or heavy metal poisoning and alcoholism. The worst classification or condition relating to POTS is pure autonomic failure.


There are more studies being conducted in an effort to better understand how POTS develop; and what other symptoms may be exhibited that has not been identified yet. Newer technologies are also being devised in the medical field; and these are used to study more about postural tachycardia syndrome. Laboratory studies are conducted to better analyze peripheral blood flow and arterial resistance. These are believed to be key contributors to laboratory studies on POTS; that will shed more light on its different classifications.

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