The Challenge of Chronic Sinusitis

The Challenge of Chronic Sinusitis

The greatest challenge of living with and treating chronic sinusitis is the variability of the problem. It is a mistake to think of chronic sinusitis as a single condition. Most experts are in agreement that chronic sinusitis presents on a spectrum or continuum; with...
The Problem with Decongestants

The Problem with Decongestants

Both your primary care physician and your ENT may recommend that you use a decongestant in the form of either an over-the-counter spray or tablet. If you have chosen not to see your doctor and are dealing with your sinusitis alone, seeking relief from the...
Home Remedies For Torticollis

Home Remedies For Torticollis

Some cases of spasmodic and recurring torticollis are more aggravating than debilitating. These less severe occurrences can be aided by a range of home remedies for torticollis. Heat application is universally helpful to reduce pain. Standing under a warm shower...
Symptoms of Torticollis

Symptoms of Torticollis

Although the symptoms of torticollis are visibly identical in children and adults, the disease presents in different ways by age and causes. Symptoms in Children A visual diagnosis may be all that is required with infants and young children. The child’s...

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