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Are you pre – diabetic? The main purpose of all treatment and prevention measures for both pre-diabetes; and diabetes is to regulate the blood glucose levels in the individual’s body. All in all modern medical technologies have been successful enough to come up with effective treatment methods for diabetic symptoms and complications. Are you pre – diabetic? Medical procedures still vary from one person to the next, depending on the disease’s level of severity. However, all physicians agree that medically inclined therapeutic methods are not enough to be guaranteed a diabetic-free life. In conjunction to medical treatment and prevention procedures; diabetes requires strict and proper management of diet and nutrition, expertly-devised exercise regimen, healthy lifestyle; and regular self-monitoring of blood glucose. In this article, you’ll learn are you pre – diabetic?
How to Manage Pre – Diabetes
Are you pre – diabetic? Individuals suffering from diabetes may need several health care providers; each with a unique and specific expertise, in order to be guaranteed; that all issues related to the disease will be appropriately serviced. Remember you have every right to change physicians if you feel that you’re not getting the right recommendations and desired results. Try to follow the Anti-Diabetes Diet devised by your doctor and nutritionist. Also, always eat in moderation.
Stress is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, stress in itself can be more or less considered as a disease. You can manage stress by trying several alternative treatments like acupuncture, mindfulness therapy, and aromatherapy.
Studies say that inadequate sleep can trigger the increased production of stress hormone cortisone. Aside from resulting mood swings and poor cognitive functions, the upsurge of cortisone can increase carb cravings, which is detrimental to diabetic conditions.
Natural Remedies for Pre – Diabetics
Are you pre – diabetic? It is commonly called as Queen’s flower, pride of India, giant crape-myrtle or queen’s crape-myrtle. It belongs to the family Loosestrife. Queen’s flower is a deciduous tropical flowering tree growing up to 50 ft. tall, it has smooth rounded, red-orange leaves having higher levels of corosolic acid. It lowers blood sugar levels (hypoglycemic effect), facilitates glucose transport into cells and reduces amount of triglycerides. Tea of the leaves is used against diabetes mellitus and for weight loss. Banaba leaves are able to lower blood sugar due to acid (triterpenoid glycoside) and other phytochemicals. The phytochemicals in the leaves of banaba works at the molecular level by fine-tuning the damaged insulin receptor, which is the cause of insulin resistance.
Extracting Banaba Leaves
Are you pre – diabetic? Glucose uptake-inducing activity of banaba extract was investigated in differentiated adipocytes using a radioactive assay, and the ability of banaba extract to induce differentiation in preadipocytes was examined by Northern and Western blot analyses. Studies on the efficacy and safety of banaba and corosolic acid have been performed and no adverse effects of it have been observed or reported in animal studies or controlled human clinical trials.
The hypoglycemic effects of banaba have been attributed to both corosolic acid as well as ellagitannins. Studies have been conducted in various animal models, human subjects, and in vitro systems using water soluble banaba leaf extracts, corosolic acid, and ellagitannins. Corosolic acid has been reported to decrease blood sugar levels within 60 min in human subjects. Corosolic acid also exhibits antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant activities.
Banaba also contains concentrations of dietary fiber and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. It helps the body handling glucose and is as such also effective in weight loss and against obesity. The effect is similar to that of insulin. The tea is therapeutic against ailments such as diabetes, kidney and urinary problems.
Bitter Melon
Are you pre – diabetic? It is commonly known as Aampalaya, balsam pear, balsamina, bitter melon, bittergourd or karela. It is a tender perennial, herbaceous tropical vine belonging to the family cucurbitaceae. The fruit is edible when harvested and cooked. Its taste is bitter. Bitter melon has twice the potassium of bananas and is also rich in Vitamin A and C. It has hypoglycemic properties and enhances cell uptake of glucose. This promotes insulin release and potentiates its effect. It also reduces total cholesterol and triglycerides.
Anti-diabetic Agents
Are you pre – diabetic? Processed bitter gourd in the form of capsules or tablets is commonly advertised and sold. The products are marketed under the brand names Gourdin, Karela, and Glucobetic in Canada, India, the United Kingdom, the United States, and many Asian countries. Products can also be ordered online. However, it is not yet known what dose is safe when taken with other antidiabetic agents, and there is a lack of information on other potential bioactive components of the capsules. There is insufficient evidence on the effects of M. charantia for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Further studies are therefore required to address the issues of standardization and the quality control of preparations. For medical nutritional therapy, further observational trials evaluating the effects of M. charantia are needed before randomized clinical trials are established to guide any recommendations in clinical practice.
Are you pre – diabetic? Commonly called as Surinam wood, amargo, bitterwood or quassia wood. Amargo is a small tree, 6 to 18 ft. tall. Amargo is known to control the blood sugar and contains the phytochemical quassin. The findings indicate that Quassia amara extract may be potentially valuable in the treatment of diabetes and associated dyslipidemia . This plant also possesses antileukemic, antitumorous, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is used in cases of anorexia nervosa, is effective in chronic diseases of the liver and has anti-malaria activity. However, reproductive toxicity of Quassia amara extract has also been reported and its action on sperm capaciation and acrosome reaction is documented.
Keeping Blood Sugar Normal
Are you pre – diabetic? It will be a smart thing to pay proper attention to the macronutrient balance in your meal plan. You need to do this to ensure your blood sugar levels remain stable. Regarding protein, you need to ensure that you have a proper serving in every meal. In addition to such great effects as keeping you satiated and keeping your blood sugar levels relatively undisturbed, protein, just like fats; significantly slow down sugar absorption. This helps your body have enough time for slower, lower release of insulin; as well as a steadier transportation of sugar throughout the blood and into the necessary tissues.
These are high glycemic load foods that you should try to avoid. They raise blood sugar levels easily, and they lack the extra nutrients that usefully impede sugar absorption. It includes white bread, white pasta, cookies, pastries, flour, white potatoes, cereals, fruit juice, pineapples and carbonated drinks.
Plant – Based Fats
Are you pre – diabetic? Fats have little direct effect on your blood sugar. But they are very useful; when taken as part of a meal, in slowing down carb absorption and keeping blood sugar levels low. So, what fats should you focus on? Plant-based fats are best. Not only do they reduce sugar absorption, but they have been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Think of such fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
It is important to mention that fats also come with health effects that are not necessarily related to blood sugar. Animal meat fats have been known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, dairy, and specifically fermented dairy products like yoghurt, have been seen to decrease this risk.
Healthy Fats
Plant-based fats such as nuts, olive oil, avocado and varied seeds have been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is one of the reasons why; as a person who stands a significantly higher chance of contracting cardiovascular disease due to diabetes; you should focus on plant-based fats and avoid animal-based ones. Fats give you a satiated feeling that will play a significant role in combating overeating; and carb cravings that come with diabetes. It is true that a portion of healthy fats; with the example of an avocado portion on wholegrain toast, is considerably more satisfying and healthier than jam on white toast.
Animal – Based Protein
Are you pre – diabetic? The thing with protein is that it effectively provides slow, steady energy; and with almost no effect on your blood sugar. This is why meal plans for people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes are recommended to have a higher than usual ratio of protein to carbs. The key thing to do is to source the bulk of your protein from plants; plant-sourced protein should be a staple in your diet. In fact, it is smart to sneak plant-sourced protein even into your snacks.
Not only does protein consumption ensure that your blood sugar remains stable; it helps greatly in staving off the sugar cravings that haunt diabetics with so much intensity; and it helps you maintain the feeling of satiety for longer periods. While the conventional world places most protein-popularity on animal-based proteins, the problem here is they often come with unhealthy saturated fats.
Are you pre – diabetic? Most of the conflicts we experience in life are not solely the results of our inner workings. The environment we live in has major influence on them, too. Hence, if you want to be free from diabetes, try to live in an environment that will support your goals. By using a journal, you can monitor by paper the meds and other treatment/preventive measures you’ve taken and your body’s resulting vitals, including of course your blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and weight. Change is difficult, but if our health and longevity is on the line it’s important that we follow what’s required to live a healthier lifestyle. Take a look at yourself now and set your goals for the future, it’s amazing how such small things can lead to drastic changes.