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What is the cause of Type II diabetes?  Causes of Type II diabetes usually involve diet and lifestyle factors. In this article to answer the question of what is the cause of type II diabetes, we’ll focus first on the usual causes of how a pre-diabetic person progresses to being diabetic. In this article, you’re going to learn what are the various causes of type II diabetes and some tips on how you can manage it.

Obesity and Lack of Exercise

Obesity or being way above the normal weight is one of the major causes of type II diabetes. Early Indian scientists associated type II diabetes with being overweight – now that says a lot! Because back then even if they haven’t figured everything out yet, even if the field of medicine is not yet advanced, and most of the time they are only relying on observation, these ancient physicians have pinpointed the exact same cause that scientists have proven today!

If you are overweight, you will most likely progress to having type II diabetes because an extra or I would say, excess weight causes further insulin resistance.

But if you think about it, it’s not really obesity, right? What I mean by that is, obesity or being overweight is already a result, so the main cause of type II diabetes in the first place is simple: lack of regular exercise and balanced nutrition.

In fact, all diseases boil down to that. This is the simplest and most practical advice that can ultimately make your body stronger and healthier, unfortunately though; lots of people take it for granted. Don’t be one of them!

Genetics and Family History

Some medical research suggests that people diagnosed with type II diabetes have certain genes that tend to develop or increase the risk as one of the causes of type II diabetes. The disease usually occurs among African Americans, Alaskan natives, Americans, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders.

Like any other diseases or conditions, your genetic makeup can affect everything in your health, and most of the time if you have a certain kind of condition, a type II diabetes for this matter, you can trace it back to your family. If it’s not in your immediate family, maybe your uncles or cousins or other relatives might have had it in the past.

However, take note that people who were born in a family with a diabetic history don’t usually inherit the condition . It’s not absolute that if your parents or relatives are diabetic you will be automatically diabetic too. But it’s more likely that you will suffer the cause of type II diabetes if you don’t eat right and stay fit.

Other Possible Causes of Type Two Diabetes

Cystic Fibrosis

This occurs when a thick mucus is being produced in the pancreas which causes the organ to be scarred. Once this happens, it can prevent the pancreas from making enough insulin that controls blood sugar.


It causes the body to store excessive amounts of iron, and if (pre) diabetes is not immediately treated, iron can accumulate which could damage the body’s other organs including the pancreas.

Monogenic Diabetes

This is caused by genetic mutation or a change in a single gene. It is usually inherited from families who have had previous history with diabetes but more often than not, it occurs on its own. This gene mutation causes the pancreas to not properly function and produce lesser amounts of insulin in the body.  The two common type of monogenic diabetes include neonatal Diabetes which is common among newborns within the first six months.

Hormonal Diseases

Hormonal diseases can cause the body to produce too much hormones; that affects the production of insulin and the absorption of blood sugar into the cells.


Diseases related to pancreas such as pancreatic cancer or any pancreatic trauma; can affect the beta cells in the pancreas and cause it to produce less insulin.


Meds especially for those who have other illnesses can also have side – effects; and could disrupt beta cells and insulin production which could increase the chance of diabetes. This includes niacin, water pills, anti-seizure drugs, psychiatric drugs, drugs to treat HIV; Pentamidine (for pneumonia), Glucocorticoids (for inflammatory ilnnesses); anti-rejection medicines (for transplanted organ), statins (for bad cholesterol/ LDL).

Symptoms of Type II Diabetes

As you may now know, the symptoms, especially at a very early stage; are very subtle, you may not notice it; and even if you already have high levels of blood sugar, you may still not feel a single thing. Noticing subtle changes in your body can be very helpful in preventing the causes of type II diabetes; you should watch out for symptoms like frequent urination and increased in thirst, increased hunger; fatigue or too much stress, blurry vision, numbness of feet and hands, sores that don’t heal quickly, and unexplained weight loss.

Keep in mind that diabetic people with causes of type II diabetes usually have had these symptoms already but it’s so mild that one can hardly notice it, because this kind of diabetes progresses at a very slow rate over the course of many years.

Here are the risk factors for diabetics with type II condition:

  • If you are 45 years old and above
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure patients
  • If you have high levels of tryglycerides and low levels of “good cholesterol” or HDL
  • If you gave birth to more than a 9 pound baby and has a history of gestational diabetes (for pregnant women); it can progress to type II.
  • Heart attacks or stroke before
  • If you previously had depressive episodes (mental condition, not just a one – time depression)
  • If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

The progression rate of type II diabetes may likely develop at a much rapid pace if it is combined with other risk factors. While you can’t change your genetic makeup, age, ethnicity and family history, your lifestyle choices and other health conditions can ultimately affect the causes of type II diabetes.

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