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Degenerative Disc Disease is a medical condition of gradual; natural malfunction of the spinal discs that separate the bone in our spine. The spinal discs, acts as shock absorbers and provides a cushion between the vertebrates; and are responsible for our effective flexibility and mobility. 

It is known that nearly every one of us will have Degenerative Disc Disease as our spinal discs naturally lose their strength, once we hit the certain age of 60. The only thing that will differ is if it will cause pain to us or not, because yes; not all DDD causes pain and discomfort. Another thing is that there are certain risk factors that will determine; that you are prone to having DDD, despite having a young age, i.e. back injury, back accident, smoking, obesity; and having a sedentary lifestyle. 

It is a burden to those who are suffering from it since its episodes are unpredictable low to severe back pain; that interferes with their way of living. Fortunately, as our medicinal world advances; a lot of treatment options to manage DDD have been invented and have proven to give comfort and ease to thousands; and thousands suffering from this condition. If you are one, or a loved one of you is suffering from DDD; this discussion will be helpful as I am going to walk you through the DDD’s best treatment options. Let us start.

Self Treatment, Self Care, and Pain Supervision

Heat therapy

Moist heat from a warm bath or a hot tub can actually increase blood flow to our spine; which will relax those tense and spasming muscles. It will relieve back pain caused by DDD. 

Exercising and paying attention to your weight

Building up our core muscles through strength programs will help in stabilizing and strengthening our back; that will then aid in taking off the pressure to the damaged discs. 

Healthy psychological coping tools

Behavioral therapy, as well as meditation and visualization, has been applauded because of their wonder to manage chronic pain. In here, it actually teaches how to divert our attention away from the pain to help dial down our pain signals; and decrease our anxiety when we respond to our discomfort. 

Restorative sleep

Great sleep is generally healthy and a non-negotiable health requirement. It promotes healing and helps you to remain calm when you are under pain and stress; and DDD can make sleeping difficult. By consulting a sleep specialist, you can both be guaranteed to alleviate suffering from sleep issues and back pain from DDD. 

Behavioral change

This is consciously avoiding activities or body positions that will stimulate DDD’s symptoms. This can mean taking breaks from sitting too long, using efficient and healthy lifting techniques; drawing away from activities that will stress the spine, doing more stretching and buying, or investing in ergonomic chairs, great quality cushions, massage devices; and many more aiding devices to alleviate symptoms of DDD.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These can help in managing inflammation and pain. It actually is recommended to a pain level that is bearable, as it provides immediate and lasting ease and comfort. 

Prescription pain relievers

If the episodes of DDD are severe and disabling that no amount of self-treatment; and over-the-counter drugs can aid, or they generally seem to not give comfort. A patient can opt to prescribe pain relievers; this is really just intended for severe and disabling levels of pain as they can trigger dependency and abuse. 

Steroid shots

Steroid shots are strong inflammatory medicines that are used to treat a range of conditions; and are proven to also help treat and manage DDD symptoms. 

Physical Therapy

These four are capable of doing manual manipulation of the spine and its surrounding tissues. In doing so, anyone who suffers from DDD will find relief as manual manipulation relieves back pain, muscle tension, cramps, and spasms, increases our range of motion, and stimulates; and increases blood flow. 

  • Chiropractor 
  • Osteopath
  • Physical Therapist
  • Massage therapist

Other Treatment Options

Lastly, surgery is opt to be your aid when all else that above does not seem to fully manage your DDD’s symptoms enough for you to lead a normal life. There are two DDD surgeries that are well received by how transformational; and affirming they are of managing DDD symptoms and in providing patients with a very normal; and healthy life afterward.

Disc Replacement is a procedure of replacing the wear out the disc with a prosthetic implant. It is a stable and safe procedure that will guarantee a long-term managed DDD,  that is pain-free and with enhanced flexibility and mobility lifestyle to the one acquiring it. 

Connecting the Spinal is a procedure of permanently connecting two or more damaged and worn-out vertebrae to strengthen them. Similar to Artificial Disc Replacement, this too also provides lasting managed DDD, and significantly reduced pain, enhancing spinal stability and strength; together with increased flexibility and mobility that will lead to a much more normal, bearable, more quality, healthful living. 

Keep an Active Lifestyle

Degenerative Disc Disease can really have its way to rob those who suffer from it the joy of living active, healthy, and fulfilling lives as the pain of their condition limits them to do so. Fortunately, the range of treatments that we have covered above will guarantee them lasting healing from it, and actually have a certain chance of living a very normal life, and the kind of life they want to have for themselves. If you are, or a loved one of yours is suffering from DDD, encourage them to seek the medical help they are deserving of, as they have nothing to lose and a lot of benefits and wonders to gain. 

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