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0Majority of low back pain issues is caused by degenerative disc disease. It can affect people of all ages, especially young adults who spend most of their time sitting. However, people who are older at are a higher risk of developing this condition due to the slow degradation of the discs in the spine that makes them vulnerable. You can use the information below to help alleviate the pain associated with degenerative disc disease on your lower back.

Treatment Goals for Degenerative Disc Disease

A common characteristic of lower back pain due to degenerative disc disease is that the pain flares up on a periodic basis. However, the level of pain becomes worse with time. It is therefore important to manage the pain level so you can perform basic function and activities. In addition, you want to avoid causing additional stress on the affected discs by correcting posture and improving ergonomics at work or home. Finally, you want to get rid of pain to restore function of the body. Most of those affected by degenerative disc disease are unable to perform basic activities due to loss of mobility.

Patients of degenerative disc disease that are recommended to undergo surgery go through an extensive medical process. Therefore, it is in your best interest to manage the pain and address the condition while you still can. With the use of self-care methods and non-invasive treatment procedures, you will be able to address the pain in the lower back.

Lower Back Pain Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

There are a variety of treatment options to alleviate pain from degenerative disc disease. The intake of pain medication is the simplest approach for treating low back pain. The common types of medications recommended for patients of degenerative disc disease include oral steroids, muscle relaxants, NSAIDS, and acetaminophen.

A form of spinal manipulation called chiropractic care is also recommended to cure degenerative disc disease. This treatment process involves strategic manipulation and re-alignment of the discs to ease pressure on neurological tissues linked to the spine. This method is believed to restore blood flow that causes a chemical reaction in the body that acts as natural painkiller.

Other treatment options for lower back pain include epidural injections, ultrasound, and therapeutic lower back massage.

Active Lower Back Pain Treatments

hqdefaultAside from the aforementioned treatment options for lower back pain, you can also try a more proactive approach at combating symptoms of degenerative disc disease. One example is through exercise. You should work on strengthening your muscles with low impact aerobic exercises and stretching to make your back and related muscles less vulnerable to tension. It also helps to improve the ergonomics of your work station. Avoid static posture for an extended period of time as it can cause strain on your lower back.

Switching to a healthy lifestyle can also aid in your fight against low back pain. You should lose weight, if you are overweight for your age and height. Too much weight can cause strain on your muscles and ligaments in the lower back.

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